Letter to the Los Gatos Planning Commission


Fellow Los Gatans:

The attached letter contains the comments and arguments of the Los Gatos Community Alliance (LGCA) against the current Proposed 2040 General Plan, (PGP), the Environmental Impact Report,(EIR), and the sequence in which the planning process has proceeded, with the Housing Element (HE) being completed after the PGP and the EIR.

The letter from our attorney is well written, succinct, and to the point.  It is difficult to summarize without missing key facts.  However, the underlying issue is that the Town is pursuing a planning process that is destined to fail. It has started with a complete rewrite of the current General Plan, except for the Housing Element, and only intends to deal later with the Housing Element that forms a critical component of the General Plan. This is completely backward from the process that is both common sense and is being followed by every other city of which we are aware. Namely, the Town should suspend work on the General Plan, and focus on first completing the Housing Element. The Housing Element has a statutory deadline, and also forms a critical input to the General Plan. Therefore the entire letter is in support of two key “asks” that the LGCA is presenting to the Town Council. They are as follows:

  1. The Town Should Suspend Further Proceedings on the 2040 General Plan Until It Adopts the Mandatory Housing Element Update. 
  2. When Resumed, the 2040 General Plan Should Be Modified to Reflect the Housing Element Update and Other Changes.
  3. Restore existing low density residential development standards
  4. Add Low-Medium density residential in appropriate locations
  5. Amend permitted intensities allowed in central business district
  6. Make other changes as needed to accommodate the Town’s Assigned RHNA.

What is RHNA?

posted in: 2040 General Plan DEIR | 0

 The Following Article is From Peter Hertan     In the discussion of our RHNA growth target some of us cite the history of Los Gatos population over the past 10 or 20 years as evidence that the RHNA targets … Continued

Thoughts On The 2040 General Plan and Why It Should Not Be Adopted

“Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because and only when, they are created by everybody” – Jane Jacobs   The General Plan is more than a legal underpinning for land use decisions; it reflects the community’s … Continued